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[11.12.2017] SGU AG vermarktet für SVV erfolgreich AI Automotive Konferenz in China

(Munich) The first international conference on artificial intelligence in the automobile was held in Munich, Germany, at the end of November 2017. The two-day event was attended by a very prominent field of 24 speakers, including Professor Amnon Shashua/Intel/Mobileye, Dr. Uwe Franke/Daimler, Dr. Michael Fausten/Robert Bosch, Dr. Urs Müller/NVIDIA, Dr. Bernd Stolle/BMW and many more. In addition to insights into the challenges of the individual companies, there were excellent networking opportunities. The personal contact between participants and speakers was also at the forefront of this network conference. The two-day conference was moderated by Dr. Joachim Becker, an editor of the renowned Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The aim of the conference was the networking of knowledge carriers and participants. Experts from the automotive, IT or semiconductor environment should seek intensive exchange in order to provide insights into the extraordinary development of artificial intelligence in automobiles. The main topics included the interaction of artificial intelligence and computer requirements for autonomous driving, the presentation of the environment and route planning by AI, real-time computing with AI, Depp Learning in the automobile as well as chatbots and digital assistants.

The participants also praised the concept and implementation of the conference. Participants from China and South Korea had registered and highlighted the high quality of the presentations. The organizer, Süddeutscher Verlag Events GmbH, was able to market the conference in China as an exclusive partner with the Munich-based company, Sino-German United AG. Participants from China were supplied with a complete package that included a visa, travel coordination, hotel and admission to the conference as well as personal talks with speakers and a tour of the Bosch plant. Participating was e.g. Ms. Jie Zhao, CEO of Autoroad Beijing Tech, who was very much interest in the personal exhcange of information regarding wave radar and the Lidar technology, both basoc for autonomous driving.

Since there are still many questions and business models to be answered in the area of artificial intelligence, the continuation of the conference is already firmly planned: On 8 and 9 November 2018, Munich will continue to focus on the questions: Can artificial intelligence be a key to success in autonomous driving and what are the benefits of the enormous amounts of data generated by automated driving - how can you develop a successful business model from these factors?

Pressemeldung von der Süddeutsche Verlag Veranstaltung



Über die Sino-German United AG

Die Sino-German United AG (SGU) mit Sitz in München ist ein mit dem Im- und Export sowie weiteren Dienstleistungen zwischen China und Deutschland befasstes Unternehmen. Die Gesellschaft ist hauptsächlich im Bereich des Im- und Exports sowie des Warenhandels zwischen Deutschland und China tätig. Weitere Unternehmensgegenstände sind die Organisation von Kongress- und Messeveranstaltungen sowie die Beratung insbesondere deutscher und chinesischer Unternehmen bei Kooperationen, Auslandsinvestitionen und Personalangelegenheiten.

Die Aktien der SGU sind im Regulierten Markt (General Standard) der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse unter der WKN SGU888 und der ISIN DE000SGU8886 notiert und werden darüber hinaus an den Börsen in Berlin-Bremen, Düsseldorf und Stuttgart im Freiverkehr gehandelt. Derzeit befinden sich 20,48% der Gesellschaft im Streubesitz, 79,52% werden von der Sino-German Ecopark Handels- und Beratungs GmbH gehalten.


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Sino-German United AG

Maximilianstraße 54

80538 München

Philipp Birnstingl

Tel: +49 89 2388 6846

Fax: +49 89 2388 6848


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    Sino-German United AG
    Maximilianstraße 54
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    Vorstand: Hui Wang (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
                    Philipp Birnstingl, Su Li
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